Saturday, November 28, 2009


If we can't cheat on S3 or SCA.. Revert to Socom 1!!!
Game: Socom 1 disc 1-5
Code Type: Hex (Codebreaker, Gameshark v3 and v4)

F01637B0 0016FC0F

Enable Code (M)
F01637B0 0016FC0F

Offline-Idiot AI:
2048CA18 00000000
Makes computer players slow to react

202BFE90 03E00008
202BFE94 00000000
No one can see you except allies.
All levels can be completed except Ghost Town.

Offline-Never Fail:
20465DB0 00000000
Continue with mission even if entire team dies

Offline-Terrorists have No Ammo:
202B6550 00000000
202B6554 00000000
You shoot blanks-Only rifle butt, knife, or explosions kills

Offline-No Death Music:
20308B84 00000000

Offline-AI Fights Each Other:
201FF828 00000000
Glitchy but fun. All computer players fight each other.
Your own team will try to kill you.
Only good for 1 round as it freezes after completion.
Many levels cant be completed without your team.
Must use with Mission never fail.

Offline-Fewer Enemies:
202B0026 00000000

Offline-Enemies Turn Invisible:
202BD220 00000000
202BD208 00000000

Offline-No Rifle Butts:
202B0026 00000000

L3 stays Full Auto:
202BC12C 00000000
Disables single shot & burst

Perfect No Recoil:
202B7B64 00000000
Crosshairs are steady as a rock

Perfect Shot(best version):
202B62F4 10000003
202B62F8 10000066
202B62FC 00000000
All shots go perfectly straight to where the center dot
was positioned before firing.
Use with Perfect No Recoil to steady crosshairs.

1 Shot Kills:
2029CC70 0C081865

Shoot Thru Anything:
202224C8 00000000

Auto Shoot:
203EF498 0C11EDB6
2047B6D0 00000000
2047B6D4 00000000
2047B6D8 3C0E004F
2047B6DC 25CEFB80
2047B6E0 3C0DF7FF
2047B6E4 ADCD0000
2047B6E8 080FBD27
2047B6EC 00000000
Weapon automatically fires at an enemy when your crosshairs turn red.
Great code for sniping.

Infinite Health-Online:
202ABC78 10000075
202A8EF0 03E00008
2029C670 03E00008
Can not be killed or commit suicide.
Do not use with other health codes.

No Explosion Damage:
202A8F30 1000005C
aka:no shock 3

No Fall Damage:
202ABC78 10000075

Immune to Gunfire:
2029C670 03E00008
Shows ‘0’ hits-Don’t bend over when shot.
You will die from explosions & falling.

Immune to Gunfire ll:
20330BAB 10000001
20330BA0 00000000
Shows hits taken-Bend over when shot.
You will die from explosions & falling.

Infinite Body Shots:
202A1020 00000000
Only die from a headshots, explosions, or falling.

Hits Taken Modifiers:
2 hits: 20252CD8 24030002
3 hits: 20252CD8 24030003
4 hits: 20252CD8 24030004
For use with a health code. Changes the displayed
hits taken to the mod you choose.

4x Primaries(Dead Menu):
2040144C 0C0CE3B8
Use with 4x equipment & leave it open

4x Primaries(Armory):
20338F18 00000000
Empty equipment to be able to choose guns

2x Primaries(Dead Menu):
2040144C 0C0CE3B8
20401494 0C0CE3C4

2x Primaries(Armory):
201D884C 0C0CE3B8
201D8870 0C0CE3C4

Anything as Primary:
2040144C 00000000
Side effect: Disables all other weapon slots

4x Equipment(Dead Menu):
20401390 1060FFF8

4x Secondaries(Dead Menu):
20338EE0 03E00008
Leave equipment space open

Anti-Pick up:
20204C40 03E00008
20204C44 00000000
20204C18 00000000
20298D08 00000000
Dropped weapons cant be picked up

9 Mags All Guns:
20339824 00000000

Infinite Ammo/No Reload:
202B7C7C 00000000

EverMore Ammo/No Reload:
202B7C74 00000001
Gain instead of lose ammo when shooting

All Weapons 3:
203FED08 10000122
202AC3AD 001ACD31
202530B8 00000000
Access the GL & other weapons via the dead menu.
Anything without a picture cant be used. Game may freeze if
you attempt to use some of the 'no picture' weapons.

Infinite GL/MGL Ammo:
202B7D10 00000000

No GL/MGL Freeze:
201DD4E0 03E00008
201DD4E4 00000000
202BD304 00000000
Must use with the listed All Weapons 3 & No Explosion Damage(no shock 3).
Dont fire the MGL fast & continuously.
Do not use rapid fire. Side effect: Silences gunfire.

Running Grenade Throw:
202B7B08 00000000
aka: Rapid Grenades. You will not go through the arm motion.
It looks like the grenades are coming out of your gun.

Infinite Grenades:
202BA298 00000000
2029C298 00000000
Do not use more than 5 smoke grenades as it will
disable your ability to throw any nades.

Throw 2 Grenades:
202B7B54 00000000
You will get no distance on throw.
Best when used with skywalker.

Long Throw Grenades:
201DD4E0 03E00008
201DD4E4 00000000
Reduces gravity.
Grenades blow up in the air if thrown too hard.

Disappearing Bomb:
202BA1A2 00000000
Planted bomb is transported elsewhere. Base will still blow.

No Explosion Deafness:
2029B8C4 00000000
Prevents permanent sound reduction.
Slightly quickens sound recovery.

No Flash Grenade Blindness:
202A03B0 03E00008
202A03B4 00000000

Infinite Claymores:
202B7888 8C850000
202B5FF4 00000000
You can plant 12 before having to blow them

Invisible Claymores:
202BA19C 00000000
Use all weapons to have detonator available

Run/Plant Clays in Water:
202B0D74 100000E6
It looks as if you can prone in water, but
others see you as crouching

Auto Plant Clay after Detonate:
202BF66C 00000000

Weapons Never Fall:
2029FC20 00000000
They will float in the air at the position you were killed

Quick Bomb Plant/Defuse:
2028F1F4 45000001
Disables timer gauge

Handguns Auto:
202B7B50 00000000
202B7B64 00000000

All Full Auto:
202B7D14 00000000
202B7B64 00000000
202B7B50 00000000

Rapid Fire:
202B7D14 00000000

Rapid Fire/No recoil/Full Auto Lock:
202B7B50 00000000
202B7B64 00000000
202B7D14 00000000
Handguns, SR-25's, and the M82A1A also rapid.

No Pulse:
202B3BD0 03E00008
202B3BD4 00000000
Steadies your aim in scope mode

Extra Zoom Lens:
202B9950 00000000

*10x Zoom Magnifier:
2032E9E4 10000008
2032EA08 3C024120

*20x Zoom Magnifier:
2032E9E4 10000008
2032EA08 3C0241A0

*32x Zoom Magnifier:
2032E9E4 10000008
2032EA08 3C0241FF

*RE: Zoom codes:
Works with ALL scoped guns.
Use with No Pulse & Full Screen Scope for best results.
You MUST use with Perfect No Recoil to be able to shoot while zoomed.
Do not use with the different sights/crosshair codes.

Full Screen Scope:
202B7540 00000000

Walk Fast In Scope:
202B42F0 03E00008
202B42F4 00000000

Improved Night Vision:
202B9950 00000000

Full Screen Night Vision:
202B7510 03E00008
202B7514 00000000

Night into Day:
20151D90 03E00008
20151D94 00000000
Players are also brighter

Day Maps:
2022D7A4 00000000
Same as Night into Day, but without highlighted players

Super Day Vision:
2048C850 00000000
aka: No Fog. Players are black silhouettes in the distance.

No Fog at All:
201E5AC0 1000003A

No Bushes/Foliage:
2021CFF0 03E00008
2021CFF4 00000000

Higher Frame Rate-60fps:
2048CF60 0000003C
2048CF64 0000003C
Improves the games graphics

Higher Frame Rate-100fps:
2048CF60 00000064
2048CF64 00000064
Improves the games graphics

Total Stealth:
20222400 00000000
20222460 00000000
Silent movement except ladder climb

No Footprints:
2029FDB8 00000000

Quick Stand from Prone:
20281C10 03E00008
20281C14 00000000

Gun Disabler:
20338CC0 03E00008
20338CC4 00000000
In armory, choose weapons to disable slots.
Will be empty handed in game.

Crouch/Prone Disabler:
20285250 03E00008
20285254 00000000

Stand Disabler:
20281DB0 03E00008
20281DB4 00000000

Glitch Face:
201E9F10 03E00008
201E9F14 00000000
See through floors in first person view

See Behind Walls:
20215230 03E00008
20215234 00000000
With back against wall will see other side.

Invisible to Enemies:
20251C38 1000004F
Must enter game late. Do not use with auto spawn.

202A0690 03E00008
202A0694 00000000
aka: respawn/invisible.
You will become a ghost after you die.

Talk to the Living:
202E2EB4 0000282D
202E2F18 0000282D

Talk to the Dead:
202E2E04 24050003
202E2E08 24020003
‘Channel the dead’ via the radio defense channel

20174688 0C081865
Must use with Positive Team Kills

20204B84 24090004

870 Room Boot:
2033279C 0C054764
20332F84 0C054764
20151D90 03E00008
20151D94 00000000
Use All Weapons 3, when you die choose the 870, and
then simply fire it to boot the entire room.
Side Effect: You can’t be booted by other 870 boot users.

Boot Code From Hell:
20204A0C 24090004
20204B84 24090004
20206268 24090004
20205B7C 24090004
2020580C 24090004
20205A68 24090004
20205DE8 24090004
202058C8 24090004
2020596C 24090006
2020542C 24090006
Boots entire rooms by various controller actions

Positive Team & Hostage Kills:
202533DC 24630001
202534C8 0C094BF3

Team Kills Neutral:
202533DC 24630000

No Deaths Recorded:
202534C8 24630000

3rd Party:
20252020 00000000
The game doesnt register you as being on either team so
all kills are positive. Terrorist tags visible when on seal team.
Start at seals spawn no matter which side you're on.

Perfect Enemy Tags:
203FD50C 10000000
203FD51C 10000000
203FD544 10000000
203FD554 10000000

Auto Spawn:
20251D94 10000056
No waiting for a round to end if joining late

Auto Spawn Ghost:
20251DA8 00000000
Ghost only for the round you spawned into.

Start Game W/1 Player:
201F66F4 00000000
Must be host

No 45sec Force Timer:
201F64F4 00000000
Must be host

No 10sec Force Timer:
20465860 00000000
Must be host

No Vote:
20204A74 24050000
Other players cant vote you out of the game

No Name:
20466968 00000000
You will see your real name but others wont

Surprise Name:
20466968 204D2C49
2046696C 20594147
It’s usually ImGayPlayer#…
You will see your real name but others

No Names Registered:
203480A8 03E00008
203480AC 00000000
203953F8 03E00008
203953Fc 00000000
20395AF4 03E00008
20395AF8 00000000
2039D394 03E00008
2039D398 00000000
203B58F0 03E00008
203B58F4 00000000
204720E0 03E00008
204720E4 00000000
20477060 03E00008
20477064 00000000
20477AF0 03E00008
20477AF4 00000000
204791A0 03E00008
204791A4 00000000
Log on with any name using your own password.
Note: Wont work if that player is online.

See Your Imposter Name-Dead:
203DA0DC 3C050046
203DA0EC 24A56968
2020C3FC 00000000
Appears top left of screen

See Your Imposter Name-Zoomed:
203D7A6C 3C050046
203D7A7C 24A56968
2020C3FC 00000000
Appears bottom left

No Censorship:
201D4B54 0C0814DC
You can cuss in the pre-game chat room

No Room & SOP Censorship:
201D16F0 00000000
201D1724 00000000
You cant use f*ck, b*tch, or sh*t

Never Ending Game:
201F5B10 00000000
201F6664 00000000
201F66E0 00000000
You must be host

1 Round Game:
201F5B54 00000000
Must be host

Copy Room Names:
2034E090 03E00008
2034E094 00000000
It will allow you to create it on the 2nd try

Leader of Clan Buttons:
2033D880 03E00008
2033D884 00000000
You must have this turned on when you recieve the invite and accept it.

Skywalker-No gravity:
202B1510 00000000
202B1514 00000000
Jump higher and higher above the map without falling.
Best when Jokered.

Skywalker-Random drop:
202B1668 00000000
Use with No Fall Damage

Super Jump:
20287C00 46011043
20287C04 46010003
Use with no fall damage.
Try with skywalker random drop or skywalker joker.

2x Super Jump:
20287C00 46020843
20287C04 46000803
Must use no fall damage

100 Headshot Mod:
202532C8 24630064
Per round. Must get a kill.

255 Headshot Mod:
202532C8 246300FF
Will not increase points. Show off code.

100 Bases Destroyed Mod:
20253128 24630064
Must blow up a base. Show off code

50 Hostages Extracted Mod:
202530B8 24630032
Per each hostage rescued.
show off code.

100% Accuracy:
20252E08 AE230008
2025316C 00000000
Per round. Must get a kill.

1000% Accuracy:
2025316C 24630064
Will not increase points gained.
Show off code.

Steady 10 Kills:
20252FCC 2403000A
1 kill=10 kills. Will stay at 10 no matter how many
kills you get in that round. Hence the 'Steady'.

Steady 123 Kills:
20252FCC 2403007B
End on an odd # for a positive kill amount.
You can not see the real kill amount on your screen.

202534C8 0C094BF3
Compatable with kill modifiers.

20252E08 0C094BF3
Will record negative past 127 kills.
You will not see this on your screen.

20252E08 0C094CB2

Shots=Hostages Extracted:
20252E08 0C094C2E
show off code

Shots=Bases Destroyed:
20252E08 0C094C4A
show off code

Shots=Steady 123 kills/Headshots:
20252E14 2403007B
20252E24 AE230000
20252E28 AE230010
202532CB 00000000
End on an odd # for a positive kill amount.
You can not see the real kill amount on your screen.

999 Million Points:
203FCAD0 1000FECF
This is the highest socom registers. Names are then
listed in order of age.
To activate code use Death=Kills, Steady 123 Kills, and Auto Spawn/Start.
Kill yourself online.
Game will freeze. Keep it frozen for 5min. then reboot.
You may have to repeat this 4-5 times depending on
your current rating.

Perfect Spiderman:
20520A70 00000000
20520A74 40000000
20520A78 00000000
Climb around maps like a spider. Less glitch access.

Auto Glitch:
201F8004 00000000
aka: No clipping. Random drop.
Use with no fall damage.

Auto Glitch ll:
20219BC0 10000009
Less glitch access, but will not skywalk.
This code will cause some of your shots to be blanks.

Quick Ladder Slide Glitch:
2021F990 03E00008
2021F994 00000000
Side effect: Disables your ability to climb

Blue World-can kill:
2021A778 00000000
Nothing but players & vegetation visible

No Map:
202BC12C 00000000
2021A798 00000000

Fall Through Floors:
202B1593 00000000
Works in certain areas only.
IE: Grates in Frost Fire.

Long Jump:
20287C08 00000000

Michael Jackson Moonwalk:
2019DAA8 00000000
Push down while crouching

Stretch Armstrong:
202BB594 00000000
Your body will be impossibly twisted up when dead

Eyes of Neo:
20313710 03E00008
20313714 00000000
Players are lit up disco style

Night of the Living Dead:
20326790 03E00008
20326794 00000000
Players are sickly colors and sometimes semi-transparent

No Hats on Seals:
202894D0 03E00008
202894D4 00000000

Wall Paint:
20151C60 00000000
Turns sections of map different colors when shot

Water Explosions:
20332A68 0C081865
Get out the GL and shoot a round into the water. Instead of just exploding once,
it explodes like 200 times fast. Everyone sees it, but only the first shot will kill.
Use with All Weapons 3, No Shock 3, and No GL Freeze.

Green Smoke & Explosions:
2023DE1A 00000000
205CD720 00000000

Black Smoke:
20237C90 03E00008
20237C94 00000000

202BD370 00000000
202BD304 00000000
Throw smoke grenade to activate it.
Only works for as long as each smoke grenade is active.
Side Effect: Silences weapons for you only.

Rainbow Muzzle Flashes:
202BCD58 00000000

High Mode:
202BCB64 00000000
202BCB50 00000000
202BCD14 00000000
Screen flashes psychedelic colors when shooting.
Grenade throw deactivates it. Smoke reactivates.

Flash Codes
Makes you move faster or slower.
Choose any one of the codes below.
201E2DA0 3C034120 - .1x
201E2DA0 3C0341A0 - .2x
201E2DA0 3C0341F0 - .3x
201E2DA0 3C034220 - .4x
201E2DA0 3C034248 - .5x
201E2DA0 3C034270 - .6x
201E2DA0 3C03428C - .7x
201E2DA0 3C0342A0 - .8x
201E2DA0 3C0342B4 - .9x
201E2DA0 3C0342C8 - 1x
201E2DA0 3C0342FA - 1.25x
201E2DA0 3C034316 - 1.5x
201E2DA0 3C03432F - 1.75x
201E2DA0 3C034348 - 2x
201E2DA0 3C03437A - 2.5x
201E2DA0 3C034396 - 3x
201E2DA0 3C0343AF - 3.5x
201E2DA0 3C0343C8 - 4x
201E2DA0 3C0343E1 - 4.5x
201E2DA0 3C0343FA - 5x
201E2DA0 3C034416 - 6x
201E2DA0 3C03442F - 7x
201E2DA0 3C034448 - 8x
201E2DA0 3C034461 - 9x
201E2DA0 3C03447A - 10x
201E2DA0 3C034489 - 14x
201E2DA0 3C0344FA - 20x

No Bullet Tracers:
20330134 00000000
2033014C 00000000

Black Crosshair:
203EF44C 1220003C
Center dot white. Very helpful for us color blind people.
Do not use with zoom codes as it Will disable your ability
to shoot while in full zoom.

Weird Crosshair:
202B7404 00000000
A yellow X with dots in the center.

Grenade Launcher Sights:
2032EB98 10000009

Secondary Sights:
202B7420 00000000

Full Zoom Sights:
202B73A4 00000000

Binocular Sights:
202B733C 00000000

No Compass Circle:
203DA6E4 00000000

Weapons Hud Always On:
203D8560 03E00008
203D8564 00000000
When you’re dead you can also view other players weapons

Tactical Taunts:
2028E944 24429DC8
2028E7DC 2442A050
2028E9BC 2442A190
2028E9D4 2442A160
2028E950 24429F08
2028E8A8 2442A060
2028E938 24429DA8
2028E7C4 24429038
2028E9EC 2442A0E0
2028E98C 2442A1B0
2028E9F8 2442A020
2028E92C 2442A1C0
2028E9E0 24420000
2028E8B4 24420000
2028EA58 24429F08
2028EA64 2442A1A0
2028EA70 2442A190
2028EA7C 24429DA8
2028EA88 24429DC8
2028EA94 2442A1B0
2028EAA0 2442A1C0
Go to tactical menu and click on the phrase you want. Exit tactical
And click taunt and everyone will hear it, including you.
Includes: "An enemy has died at your hand"-womens voice. And others.

*Online-Knife Attack:
2028FF48 10400001

*Online-Rifle Butt:
2028FF84 10400001

*Online-Pick up Dead Bodies:
2028FF10 10400001

2028FF68 10400001

*NOTE:Only you see these actions. Useless, but requsted.
While next to an enemy press 'X'. The attacked player will then turn invisible to you.
These codes can not be used at the same time

Socom Admin Joker: (glitchy)
D04EFB82 0000DFFD - L3 + O for seals
201F00B0 24030001
D04EFB82 0000DFFD
201F00B4 AC8300C4
D04EFB82 0000DFFD
201F00B8 03E00008
D04EFB82 0000BFFD - L3 + x for terrs
201F00B0 24030100
D04EFB82 0000BFFD
201F00B4 AC8300C4
D04EFB82 0000BFFD
201F00B8 03E00008
Here is what the code does:
1. All tags
2. Can cycle through all players when dead (including hostages).
3. All kills are negative
4. Shows all players on the vote screen (enemies and hostages included).
5. Cannot kill players in Non-FF games (unless you use vote=kill).
6. Can switch spawn points in-game by switching the joker (if you joker it
for Terrs you will start at the terrs side, even if you're a seal).
7. Since all kills are negative, I recommend using the All Kills are Positive code

Hits Taken:
E29EF694 5257659D-(L2+UP)
D04EFB82 0000FEEF
20252CD8 24030001
B29EF68A E437657F-(L2+LEFT)
D04EFB82 0000FE7F
20252CD8 24030002
C29EF68A E437657F-(L2 +RIGHT)
D04EFB82 0000FEDF
20252CD8 24030003
3CDEF68A 4457057D-(L2+DOWN)
D04EFB82 0000FEBF
20252CD8 24630001
Enter this as one code

Detonator Grenades:
D04EFB82 0000BFDF X+Right=On
20333494 00000000
D04EFB82 0000BF7F X+Left=Off
20333494 0C0CCA84
Turn on to keep grenades from exploding.
Turn off to make them explode.

X-Ray Joker l:
D04EFB82 0000EFDF
20247388 00000000 Triangle + Right=On
D04EFB82 0000EF7F Triangle + Left=Off
20247388 0C079830
Disables Map. Best with Frost Fire.

X-Ray Joker ll:
D04EFB82 0000FBFF
20247388 00000000
D04EFB82 0010FBFF
20247388 0C079830
Hold L1 to disable map. Let go for it to return.
It gives you a quick peek through walls.

Infinite Talk(joker):
203DEBE0 00000000
D04EFB82 0000BFFF (X=OFF)
203DEBE0 0C0F7E08
Hold O until talk activates then pause game.
When froze in pause menu let go of O.

]lock bombs pt 1(bombs cant be defused)
2044e590 03e00008
2044e594 00000000

lock bombs pt 2(cant plant)
201fb8fo 0300008
201fb8f4 0000000

No Left Eyeball
204525c0 00000000

No Right Eyeball
204525b0 00000000

No Water
2044f418 03e00008
2044f41c 00000000

Walk on Water?
2044f418 03e00008
2044f424 00000000

Blood Never Stops Dripping?
202919a0 03e00008
202919a4 00000000

Shoot Anything out of MGL
20FB9324 CBC246AA

Always Have M203 Fire Mode
2032ebd8 10000004

david blaine levitate if holding down
HOLD L1 to float up and let go to float back down
D04EFB82 0000FFBF
20520a60 C0A00000
D04EFB82 0010FFBF
20520a60 42700000

No Gravity
20520a60 00000000

Jump and Hold Square to go higher, release square to fall
D04EFB82 00007FFF
20520a60 00000000
D04EFB82 00107FFF
20520a60 42700000

Socom Airlines
Airplane Controls Joker Setup
d04efb82 0000ff7f -if left is pressed
20520a60 c2b40000 -pull up
d04efb82 0010ff7f -if left is not pressed
20520a60 00000000 -no grav
d04efb82 0000ffdf -if right is pressed
20520a60 42b40000 -pull down
d04efb82 0010ffdf -if right is not pressed
20520a60 00000000 -no grav

201e2da0 3c03447a- speed mod

202B7B08 00000000- drop grenades on people

20291c14 10000004 -disable peeking

20291cc4 10000004 -disable peeking

2025665c 00000000 -disable fall animation

That is all one code, Left pulls up, Right pulls down and grenades are normal. Credit it thadanator, fusion, spit, uni and anyone else. Values may be incorrect, separate all codes after the no grav after right into the individual codes.

Go through/into all characters
202598e0 03e00008
202598e4 00000000

perfect no clip hold L1
D04EFB82 0000FBFF
20215CB0 03E00008
D04EFB82 0010FBFF
20215CB0 27BDFCF0

spits perfect no clip
20215CB0 03E00008

Shot = Boot Joker
D04EFB82 0000FBBF L1+DOWN = On
2029CC70 0C0812C8
D04EFB82 0000FBEF L1+UP = OFF
2029CC70 0C081864

Infinite Health 2 Joker (Up on, Down Off)
D04EFB82 0000FFEF
20330BAB 10000001
20330BA0 00000000
D04EFB82 0000FFBF
20330BAB C4A00000
20330BA0 3C024120

Himself’s Vx Gas
20237c90 03e00008
20237c94 00000000
202de10c 0c115b69
20456d98 0c116778

Rapid M87 & M40
202A58C0 03E00008
202A58C4 00000000

Vote Other Team
201F00B0 2403000F
201F00B4 AC8300C4
201F00B8 03E00008

15,000 hit %
2025316C 246303E8

2,000 headshots
202532C8 246303E8

Moon Walk
20287C00 460203E8
20287C04 46000803

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